What is Placenta Encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation services are provided by a trained encapsulator from our team. The placenta is the organ that allows for the exchange of nutrients, blood, and waste during pregnancy. This beautiful organ is what provides your baby with what it needs to grow and develop during pregnancy. After the baby is born, the placenta is delivered, and then each family can decide what they would like to do with their placenta. Your placenta is then prepared, dehydrated, and ground into a fine powder. It is then encapsulated into vegan capsules. The capsules do not have a flavor and do not taste like a placenta. They look like tiny vitamins (made from your beautiful placenta) that you can take for the weeks to months after your baby is born.

Benefits of Placenta Capsules

There is limited data and research on the benefits of placenta encapsulation. However, there are many women who have reported significant good effects from their placenta capsules. The benefits vary between each women. Women can experience an increase in the release of the hormone oxytocin. This is the hormone that helps the uterus cramp down and decrease bleeding, and also encourages bonding with the baby. There is an incredible amount of oxytocin in the placenta during the birth and immediate postpartum, so women who consume their placenta report an increase in positive feelings. The placenta is also iron-rich, and therefore can significantly help recover from blood loss during labor and delivery. Women who have consumed their placenta also report a decrease in postpartum depression levels. This tends to be the leading reason women to encapsulate their placenta. This is really important because postpartum mood disorders are a major problem in the United States. Many women experience postpartum depression and/or anxiety. This is often a recommendation for clients who have experienced postpartum mood disorders previously or have a history of mood disorders. Many of them report that when they took their placenta supplements, they felt a significant difference in their postpartum depression.